finale papercraft

 This time around is about refining and crafting our ideas, i updated and created larger sizes for all of my shapes, and will be creating them in class to see how they hold up.

March 13th
After considering I'm not challenging myself enough, I'm gonna create moving parts for this train 
With a gearbox to hold an axis connecting the wheels. This will allow the train to rotate its wheels and add more life to the object.

I'm in the process of the experiment. With the hollowing out of the gearbox for the axis. And re-sizing the entire train model a third time.
After final cuts from the laser printer, it went to folding and gluing, the choice of colours came together well, and the final look is clean. I could add as many copies to create a full train set. If I were to add touches, it would be to find a better way to make the wheels spin, as the idea did no work as well as planned.

The final design looks clean! and I'm glad the revisions of the texture of the cart worked, and the copies of the train models look identical. This project was challenging, from getting plans to to printer, these new skills are things I didn't know I could learn.


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